
The eyes are the doors of the Spirit. Georges Rouault

Born October the 2nd 1961 Whiter California the oldest of two brothers somewhere between the ages of 1 and 2, my dad, Howard Runion, got a job that moved us around quite a bit: from Whiter CA to Pittsburgh PA, to La Jolla CA to Huston TX and back to Pittsburgh. I still have some of my first drawings as a kid most if not all these drawing were tanks, fighter planes of World War I or II and fighter jets.

Almost every summer during my youth my dear mother would takes us to my Grandfathers cabin nestled in the Sierra foot hills just above Columbia California. There were mines to be discovered, trout to catch, raccoons to wait for in the middle of the night and bullfrogs to chase in the irrigation ditch that ran right past the cabin. Not to mention the backpacking, rock hunting and desert camping in western Nevada. When I was not on an adventure I spent hours drawing cartoons and figure drawing during this time pen and ink become the medium of choice. Great adventurous and hours to draw what a gift for a young lad!  My parents recognized that I loved to draw and that I was good at it thus came the art lessons and I later begin to use an air brush sometime in junior high. Looking back I am sure many a mother and father seeing these air brushed girls at the junior high art show did not appreciate my young talent!

During High school I got an aptitude, I became jaded and lazy about the gifts I been given. Yet those gifts got me into Carnegie Mellon University were I studied Industrial Design. I choose Industrial Design over illustration or painting because I liked working in 3D stuff just as much as 2D stuff. Over the next four years my ability to draw and to be creative allowed me to do just enough to get “A”s in my core courses but I took calculus four times and almost failed Art History! My 5th year of college “Providence” arrange a meeting with the girl that I had had my first slow dance while in junior high, Krissy. God used Krissy to change the course of my life. My view on everything changed after I met the true Artist of Life. In a real since I understood what being “born again” was all about. One thing that always stood out after this event was I distinctly remember that every color was brighter and more alive! One would think this would have lead me to embrace the artistic gifts God had given me but it did not.  God in His “Providence” spent the next 24 years teaching me to reprioritize my life so that I could properly use these gifts to glorify Him.

Krissy and I have been married now for 26 years. Over those 26 years there have been startup companies, 3 years of seminary, church planting from Redding California to Las Vegas Nevada more sign companies, art director, game designer, project manager and self-taught programmer. Along the way God has given me the best gifts of all to teach me and reprioritize my life, Krissy and 7 children. Although I have done a lot of comericial art (games signs etc.) the painting “Have You Forgotten Providence?” is my first real artistic work in over 30 years.

NOTE: Much of the art listed is over 40 years old (starting in grade school), pen and ink, silkscreen and  air brush. However the newer works medium are a trade secret :) .